Pregnant platy question

Apr 3, 2010
I have a pregnant blue platy and she's getting pretty square shaped. A friend told me to watch for when she started hanging around at the bottom of the tank, that she'd be ready to give birth, but she's been hanging out at the top of the tank. I'm wondering if that means she's ready to give birth, any thoughts?

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Sometimes, when they are about to give birth, they will swim rapidly up and down the sides of the tank. It takes a couple batches of fry to really know when your fish is about to give birth. You can place your fish in a breeder's box or a breeder's net inside the tank so that you are prepared when she gives birth. You can also place her in a 5-10 gallon tank with a filter and a heater. When she gives birth, remove her from the tank. I personally recommend a 10 gallon tank for the baby fish. I've reared fry in a 5 gallon tank and have had to do many water changes each day. 10 gallons are much less of a hassle.