Pregger Platy

Feb 21, 2011
So, I've had this Red Wag Platy in my tank for several months now. She's given birth to two batches of fry. Her hubby, or mate, (I like to call them hubbies) is the father of one of these batches. Now, she's been pregnant for about a month, and I'm expecting some very cute fry very soon! She has very solid color, so her gravid spot doesn't show, but she's pretty fat, so I know she's gonna have more babies soon.
Can't wait to post pics and start naming the little fellas!:D

Mama's name is Cora and daddy's name is Tiburon.

Feb 17, 2011
I think preggers is just a cutesy version. i like prego cuz its like prego spaghetti sauce. "its in there!" i dunno if there ARE nuances per say. its like hello, hi howdy, yo, sup, whuddup, etc.

Feb 21, 2011
So today I was cleaning out my tank, and GUESS WHAT! Six or seven baby platies (I think) were hanging around in the tank. I only managed to catch five of them, the others disappeared while I was trying to catch all of them. Looked for and caught babies for about an hour. Finally gave up after thoughrally searching a 40 gallon for any sign of life besides algae.
Five little pale fry now sit in a breeder box (or somewhat of a breeder box; it's the container I carry my fish around from tank to tank).
I've been wantin to take pics of 'em, but I can't find any of my three cameras. Can't wait to post, though. I suspect these guys are at the very most, a week old, or maybe just a day or two. Days is more likely.
I'll post pics as soon as I can. They are pure Red Wags, and they already have a little black on their tails. Feel free to suggest names!


Small Fish
Feb 9, 2011
Congratulations. Love to see the babies. Hope you are taking care of the mother too. Heard mothers get lot more hungry, and if not properly taken care, would die.

Feb 21, 2011
Thanks! The mother is fine, she's still eating and is quite fat at the moment. She still looks really pregnant, actually. I'll be watching her closely to see if she will start having babies again.
Also transferred the five babies to their own seperate tank. They get bigger every single day, it's almost possible to see them grow. Going to the pet store later to pick up some brine shrimp and/or daphnia. Right now all I can manage to find is powdered flake food.
Found out the genders of my last batch of fry, today. Only one stinkin' male in a batch of fifteen. Well, you know what they say about a man in a crowd of women...
I think I'm gonna call him Lucky, though.


Small Fish
Feb 9, 2011
They get bigger every single day, it's almost possible to see them grow.
True. Since this batch is of 5 babies, they surely grow faster, well and are easily will survive with little care from us. If, however, the number of babies are too many, like 30+, the babies will have slim bodies and force us to give much attention for them.

Only one stinkin' male in a batch of fifteen. Well, you know what they say about a man in a crowd of women...
Yup. Most babies will be female. Getting Males is a little difficult. But i think u should wait for few weeks to really be sure of that.

Feb 21, 2011

Pictures are finally here! They look pretty bad though, kinda blurry, sorry about that.
First pic is of mom with dad behind her. Their names are Cora and Tiburon.:)

Next is a nice photo of Tibbie, the dad. He looks all red in the photo, but his tail is a clear black. He's one of the hardest "working" males I've had. :rolleyes:

One more photo of mom and how she stands out in the tank. She's always one of the first noticed.

Okay, now these next ones might be hard to see, so I've marked a couple of them. These are the fry in the maturation net I have for them.
(Note: I color enhanced them a little so you can see the babies. They're actually pretty pale.)

This is one that I didn't edit. They're kinda hard to spot, but they're in there.

Alright, the next one- OTTO! *laughingc Sorry, my otocinclus cat got in the camera and I just had to post this!

To end this off I thought I'd show you my favorite platy of them all, and also the father of Cora's next batch of fry.

I luv him! Can't wait for his fry!

Feb 21, 2011
:) Happy to hear. I've raised batches of mollies. Uve inspired me to get to platties too ;)
I have one molly in my tank, the last molly of my molly breeding days. After my last batch of molly fry, I got completely hooked on platies. The little critters found a happy home in the tank and I've kept them ever since. The platies bred faster than the mollies, and eventually overtook them. Having two types of livebearers in your tank who constantly breed and reproduce is hard to keep up with.