PleaseHelp Discuses Will Not Eat.


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Please Help Discuses Will Not Eat.

I just bout three Discuses five days ago and I have a problem with feeding them.  One of them will only eat flakes, the other one will only eat blood worms, and the other will only eat brine shrimp, none will eat beef hearts. I feed them three time a day.  They are very active and don’t seem to have any health problems.  I have a 50 gallon tank, my PH is at 6.6-6.8, Ammonia is 0, it is a planted tank with a lot of places to hide, I change the water ones a week

Thank you for any replies.


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
my experience is that fish will eat pretty much anything you give them when they get hungry enough. that is if the fish is healthy. ;)

since you said you bought them 5 days ago, my first thoughts are probably they're still getting used to your tank. also, what did the LFS feed those discus? it could also be that they're used to the food the LFS was feeding them hence why they don't like your food.

i'd give it some time and i'm sure when they get hungry enough, they'll start eating whatever you give them.

If your fish are healthy I would stop feeding them for three days and then commence feeding again twice a day.
Do not bother with the beef heart as this is not 100% neccesary unless you are breeding.
Try and find some tetrapromin, small pellets of food that most discus will go mad for.
All in all giving them a varied diet is the most important, discus will quite easily get theirselves fixated on one type of food and will shun any other food offered.



In the first few days, my discus didnt eat anything and I didnt bother feeding them at all. Now they go crazy when I approach the tank at feeding time. I feed twice a day, morning/evening. I make my own mixture by buying different kinds of dry food like flake food, sinking pellets, etc. I dump them into a container and mix it together. That way there is different foods in the feeding. Once a week I feed beefheart.

Oct 22, 2002
I don't think I've ever seen my pair of dicus eat anything, but they've been alive for almost 6 months now...I put food in the it sink...and then walk about dejected usaully:(

Oct 22, 2002
I don't think I've ever seen my pair of dicus eat anything, but they've been alive for almost 6 months now...I put food in the it sink...and then walk about dejected usaully:(



turn off the lights for a day or so - minimize traffic into the room. feed with bloodworms to coax them out after 2 days. they should begin to eat - call the lfs and ask what they were feeding and try and match that too :)