Platy Pregnant- Gestation Period


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I know that it takes about 3-4 weeks for the fry to drop, but I also heard that if you raise the temperature in the tank that it will shorten the gestation period. I have a few questions reguarding that.

1) Does that harm the fry or mother in any way?
2) How high should the temperature be for the raise?
3) I have an automatic heater that keeps my tank at 76+-2 degrees F (it was the only heater available). How can I raise the temperature with that?

Also, it's Winter-time where i live and the water temperature keeps going down. It's at 72 right now and my heater can't keep up. Thank Mother Nature that Spring is right around the corner. What can I do to keep the temperatire where I want it?