plase help me and my betta


New Fish
Jan 20, 2010
Canberra, Australia
*SICK**SICK**SICK*Hello everyone.
My name is stephanie and i have had my male betta for about 5 months and in the last two months he has had persistant fin rot and also that white fluffy stuff :(

at first i cleaned his tank a lot more and put a little bit of sea salt in his tank to get rid of the fluffy stuff and it seemed to work.
but nw he just gets rin rot and the fluff is back between his anal fin and head.
i bought this stuff for the fin rot its a multipurpose antibacterial medicine with; methylene blue malachite green and acriflavin as its active ingredients.
But the fin rot keeys returning.

he's in a two litre bowl with some river pebbles a big rock and some aquatic plant.

I feed him a couple of betta fish pellets a day and sometimes live food and he always has a healthy appetite.

please help, im sick of him being sick and i don't know what else to do.


stephanie and fishbert *SICK*

Jan 8, 2009
The aquarium salt helps reduce disease and also helps for healing/gill function.You need to buy some Meliflux or any other brand fin rot medication (QUICK).Add the medication then do a "50%" water change after you add the medicine.The white fuzzy things you see is call "ICK" or "ICH".Medicine/tablets will take care of that in no time.The fin rot is where you need to be concerned.

I experienced fin rot 4 years ago from using feeder fish (rosy reds) to feed my convicts.My female convict contracted fin-rot so i did the following above: and she recovered fast! Fin rot is very deadly to fish!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Be sure to aerate the water if you use Melafix. The eucalyptus in it sucks the oxygen out of the water and can suffocate your betta.

Also, Melafix will help the fin rot, but NOT the ick. The best way to cure ick is to raise the temperature in the tank to around 82F (not sure what that is in Celsius) and add a bit more aquarium salt. The micro-organisms that cause ick can't live in the higher temperature. Believe me, I just lost six of my nine female bettas to ick because I didn't do this in time.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
make sure to add the appropriate amount of salt...I lost my 2 year-old Betta when I was little due to adding too much salt and probably making the water brackish or SW...poor guy went all pale x_x