Plants Wont Grow

I had my plants for a good 3 weeks I guess(almost) and I have not seen any new growth. The plants are:

Brazillian Pennywort
Water Hyssop(Moneywort)
Sunset Hygro
Rotala Rotundifolia
Green Hygro
Wendtii Crypt

I have a 20 watt spiral on it for now and I will be getting a new 15 watt bulb for my fixture. I stopped dosing ferts because of a little algae breakout that I had been getting rid of. What do you think the cause of the slow growth could be? I thought these were suppose to be fast growers. The Crypt leaves are kinda droopy but I think it is just crypt melt.

Last edited:
Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
what algae were you battling? why stop dosing ferts? Do you have CO2? What were you dosing? My stem plants took a while to start, i planted and kept replanting for about a week to two weeks, then like wild fire they started growing and haven't stopped. What i had to do was up the CO2 output and increase ferts a little to get mine to grow, i had outbreak of algae but the plants battled and outgrew the algae now all is well in tank.