Pics of my Peacock eels


Small Fish
Jan 24, 2008
I just got my eels Im so excited. So I figured I would share them with ya'll.

The tank

Yes thats a lego plane & castle

So my two eels have different markings and will be easy to identify (sorry for the bad pics)

One of them has 2 spots and the other has 4 and a break in the stripe that runs down its side

Ok thats it for now .... as always I'm more than interested in hearing everyones comments. I just figured that I would share knowing yall like to look at pictures as much as i do.


Small Fish
Jan 24, 2008
yeah I have always liked eels .... and these 2 little guys are ACTIVE ... even in there down time they are doing things that make me laugh ... one actualy curls up in the cockpit of the plane and watches out the plastic window as the world goes by and the other goes wissing back and forth tough the bubbles of the bubble wand


Small Fish
Jan 24, 2008
Ahh, cause the eels told me to... lol, they say they are too classy for a pvc pipe.

To be truthful it just seemed like a fun idea and I was looking for places for the eels to hide. So i ended up with the two sides of the tank.

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Large Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Congrats on the eels!
They are super fun to watch. If you have not done so and REALLY want to see them come to life try giving them live blackworms. It is like candy to them.
Also heads up make sure there are no holes of any kind that they can exploit and escape from. Given the chance they will escape from any tank they can find a way out of.


Small Fish
Jan 24, 2008
Yeah when i put the tank together i was super parinoid about gaps that they could get out of .... and well i came home and couldnt find one of them cause their usual spots where vacant ... they where together (probly laughing at me) in a different spot ..... yeah side note they have as yet to try to burrow in my tank ... not even during water change or with me messing in the tank (they just get out of the way)


Small Fish
Jan 24, 2008
Yeah when i put the tank together i was super parinoid about gaps that they could get out of .... and well i came home and couldnt find one of them cause their usual spots where vacant ... they where together (probly laughing at me) in a different spot ..... yeah side note they have as yet to try to burrow in my tank ... not even during water change or with me messing in the tank (they just get out of the way)