Photos of our tanks..

Jun 8, 2003
Here are a few photos of our tanks. 30 long with two I.D Sharks and a yet to be determained breed of fish.

10 gallon with 5 small angelfish

20 gallon with 2 large angelfish

5 gallon with tetra's and a betta..

Funny how they look a lot nicer before i took pics of them lol. The 20 with angel's looks like it has algea in it but it doesn't i swear :)


Jun 8, 2003
Yes they are Iridescent Catfish (also known as I.D. Sharks).

They are only six months old if that.

I know that they can get pretty big. 40" 85 cm is what I was told. They need to be kept in pairs.. They aren't very smart, they like 74-82 deg. F. pH: 6.6-7.4

Here is a bit of info I found on the net about them also:

MINIMUM TANK REQUIRED: 30 gallons for a pair, but 55 or better is highly encouraged.

BREEDING: Egg-layers

FEEDING: Flake, Shrimp Pellets, Frozen Blood Worms or Brine Shrimp.

NOTE: Dumb and easily startled. Have been know to knock themselves unconscious against the glass sides of an aquarium.

LIGHTING: Bright, but not direct sunlight.

TEMPERAMENT: Peaceful, very good community fish. Need to be in pairs as a minimum, never keep as a solo.

i agree about moving the angels to bigger, much bigger, tanks. Angel fish can big and need a lot of space. Also, if you are keeping all of those fish, you will need a lot of big tanks, because those ID fish get verrrrrryyy big and I'm not even sure a 100g is really big enough, but I guess it could. But the angels will also need a big tank if you have the same number when they are bigger.....

Jun 8, 2003
We plan on moving the two angel's into the sharks aquariam when we build the new tank. I haven't decided if its going to be a 55 or 100 gallon yet.

Our next door neighbour owns his own construction place and he is giving us the glass and wood to do it.

He said he might even help us build it and something to put it on. My only worry is bringing it down stairs to the rec room where we will keep it....


Small Fish
May 12, 2003
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The fish that your not sure of could be a columbian white tip or otherwise known as a shark cat. It is hard to tell by those pictures. If it is they get about 8" or so but perfer brackish water. I haven't seen many people have much luck with them out of the brackish enviroment.

Since you can build your own aquarium, you are very lucky. Take my advice and make the glass very very thick if you want to keep ID's. They are fine until they reach about 15" and then they are very very powerful. These fish love to swim so anything less then about 250 gallons when they are getting bigger is a stretch. I know of two seperate people that have had there ID bust through the glass. 125 gallons of water is not a pleasant thing to have on you floor.

By the way you have two very nice ID's. One thing that ruins them is that they are very skittish and dart into the glass and objects when they are in smaller tanks. By the time they get to 8 inches they don't look very good.

Good luck with what you decide. They are amazing fish if you can house them.