Pet Warehouse

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Here is my expierence with these guys.

Up until recently, I had no problems with them. Recently, I had my Flourite and a 5.5 oz fish food back ordered.

First, I didn't know it was on backorder, till half my shipment came to my house. Then I also recieved a cracked heater.

So I called them asking when they could send out the replacement heater, the flourite, and the fish food. They said the food would be in on the 1st of april, the flourite on the 5th. My order was for it all to be here on the 29th of march. I said ok no problem. So the 5th came and I checked my email, "Order shipped".
    Two days later I get my little box, with only a heater. Hmmm, so I again called asking where the flourite was, and the food.
  The customer service guy said that the flourite has been in and the food will not be in till May 7th or so. Then both items will be shipped.
  What?? Why didn't they just send the flourite with the heater? Why would they wait a month to send my Flourite, just to save shipping on a 5.5 oz can of food. I want the order now, or I wouldn't have ordered it.
  So, I told him to cancel the food. I asked him why they dont send emails on back-orders. He said they do..yeah ok. So he told me the flourite would go out that day. well here I am , April 12th..and nothing.
 Once again I call. Your flourite is on the truck , ready to go out. I was so mad I just hung up. Now I am calling back and complaining. I sent them to emails , nothing.
 I have never had problems before, but this made me angry enough to goto Big Als or That pet place from now on.

This is just to let everyone know careful on back-orders!!

Its sounds to me that they are waiting until they get a backlog of orders, so that when they put in their purchase orders to their suppliers they get good discounts for quantity.
Have you paid for these items? if you have they also have your money to make the purchases, instead of using their own,nasty tactics but good business(for them). 8)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
southern Ohio
I have never had a problem with Pet Warehouse.  I did order a new hood once, and the bulb was broke....but I figure that was just done during shipping.  I Do understand about the back orders though.  I ordered brineshrimp and salt packs, and it was only like 5 bucks...they only do back orders  if it is 10 bucks or more  :(