Oscar looking not so good.....

Oct 22, 2002

Hi this is urgent....  i havent seen my oscar eat for a couple of days... he is like tired or like sleeping... he doesn't swim to much.... his tankmates are acting normal....  does anybody knows what is happening?... he is laying in the glass or in the rocks almost all day long...



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Here are some things I want you to answer.

- Did you recently do a water change?
- Did you add any new decor or take any out?
- Did you give him a new food to which he is not accustomed?

In general did you do anything to upset him???

Oct 22, 2002
nop... the water is fairly new, i have just set up this tank anout 2 or 3 weeks ago....  he was shy the first day for never like this....  i'm planning to do a 50% water change tonight....

he is an albino oscar so it's more difficult to find a skin desease... but the fish look with some darken spots... like black dust.... not literaly, but i have been lokking at him for a while during my meal and i notice that...

New Tank Syndrome, tank not cycled which means you are poisoning your fish with Ammonia and Nitrite.
Have you got a back up filter running in another tank, if so put it on your uncycled tank immediately, and run alongside the original, a 50% water change will help.
Stop feeding for at least 4 days, do not clean filter unless it is clogged and then only use tank water to rinse it.
You should get yourself a good book, and read it.
If you go into the articles section on this site, you will find some usefull information on cycling. 8)

Oct 22, 2002
it was not a new tank... just the oscar has lived in another tank before, this tank host some bala sharks and other comunity fishes, i took out most of the fishes there excepta clown loach, a pleco, and a weather loach (later moved beacuse he was beaten by the oscar), then i clean then tank (with a syphon), and in that process i took like a 60 % of the water out... i didnt change the filter on the tank....  i have read a lots of articles and i'm suppossing that is some internal illness, maybe Tuberculosis or the hole in head...  his swimming is erratical, and sometimes vertical with his head down... and very slow...  i'm going to put him in quarentine (sorry for the writing) in another tank... but shoul i put there some medicine for bacterial or Hole in head illness?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Definitely move him to the hospital tank and treat. Hopefully that will help. Also you should try to make the lighting in his tank not so bright. Albinos lack somting in their eyes to where bright lights hurt them. I know that has nothing to do with your question but just thought I'd say that. ;D

Oct 22, 2002
last night i put him in a 10 G hospital tank with a General Cure tablet, hope will work... thanks for the advises.... i'll keep you informed... I won't fwwd him, it's that OK?

Oct 22, 2002
Hi, for all of you who gave me advises, thanks, but my oscar didn't make it, yesterday when i return home from my job, i found him upside-down at the botom of the hospital tank....  

The reason why i'm still having this message is another question....

What should i do with the water on both tanks, the tank where he lived, and the hospital tank, should i take all the fishes out and change the water, should i change a percentage of it....? should i leave it the way it is, i changed the 25% of water last week----but with the oscar[sup]t[/sup] still living there....


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I agree with cloth. I wouldn't worry about the water to much just keep an eye on your other fish and make sure they arn't acting funny. I too think it sounds like an internal problem since none of your other fish seem to be effected. ;D

Oct 22, 2002
thanks for the help....  but i'm kind of sad right know... i had this oscar for over 7 months, and i watch him grow, i also had a platies/guppies breeding tank to feed him.... and know i don't know if i want to keep oscars anymore, they are great fishes, but if in my experience (an owner of a small tank 35 G), you can only put an oscar there and if your emotional investment die, you only get an empty tank.... matbe i will switch to angels or discus.....
have any of you had a bad experience like this...?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I know you sad but I would suggest getting another oscar. I know you've had a bad experience but it is a good fish and will make you happy if it all goes well. Next time try something different than an albino oscar. I had one and it died too. My parents with no experience had 2 oscars (tiger) for over 2 years and they gave them away and they always did fine. I would suggest getting them again since you seem to like them so much. ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
 sorry to hear about that. when a fish dies it is always dissapointing, but oscars have more personality and spunk then most fish, so that makes it alot worse.  :'(