Oscar Fish Sick / Need input...

Oct 20, 2011
Upstate NY
Hi guys, I am interested as to how your Oscar is doing on the mela/pimafix treatment? I have a baby oscar that got sick last week. His symptoms look to be exactly like yours. I have had him sepatated in a nursing tank from my other fish since about 3 days after his symptoms first showed... I started Melafix about 5 days ago... He has recently started eating and swimming around again a bit, but his physical condition has only gotten worse. His color is starting to return but the poor guy barely has any fins left.
He is currently in a 3 gallon tank, i am changing about 20% water daily. I will be picking up this pimafix tomorrow... hopefully it helps.
I am slightly new to the aquarium community, this site looks like the place to be for knowledgeable advice. Any other ideas on what else i should pick up tomorrow... or am i doing the best i can?
The water temp is a steady 81 degrees F and pH is and has been a steady 7.5-7.6 in both tanks. I have been changing water in my main tank 30% every 2 weeks, vaccuming the rocks well and cleaning the rocks i have set up as hiding places. The tank is pretty spotless and the filters stay clean.


Small Fish
Sep 20, 2011
Hey Motsch788, Welcome.
My Oscar is doing great now though being sick so long really took a toll on him in size he is slowly coming back. I used the Mela/Pima exactly as directed (1 full treatment). The main thing is frequent water changes in your quarantine tank. Make sure that water is fresh. I would say mine was "sick" for almost a month. Its a slow long recovery process. Be patient and don't give up on him. Mine still isn't eating as aggressively as his siblings but he is getting there. I expect him to make a full recovery.