Old tank to new tank

Mar 19, 2016
Hello everyone. We just got our 30 gal tank together yesterday. Got all the temps correct. Conditioner in. We had one fish to add over from the old tank to the new bigger tank.our plecostomous that's about 4yrs old. He seemed freaked out in his new surroundings an this morning he looked dead but he's moving very slow.a grayish white film all over his body. Im not sure what this could be. Can someone help me.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I'm not sure what that is. Was it a new tank or used? And did you rinse it out well before setting it up?

Did you move over any used items to transfer some bacteria to jump-start your cycle? Ideally filter media or a handful of gravel, but any decorations that weren't cleaned in between will help bring stuff over. Keep an eye on the ammonia levels in the new tank.

Likes: arcab4


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Excess slime coat from your dechlorinator maybe?

I know when I do my weekly fin-level water change on the 75g in my signature, I pre-treat the tank with 7.5mL of Prime for my dechlorinator. As it's filling, the oscar and sev shed off tons of white slime as they're scooting around. Dechlorinators like prime cause some fish to really "enhance" their slime coat during the water change.

Likes: arcab4