oh no sick fishy! help?!

Oct 22, 2002
omg. noooo!
my male german blue ram is ill or something. he seems to have trouble getting off the bottom / floating, and he does not have "balance" ? he frequently will swim in a circle just as a dog or cat might chase his tail. when he is not swimming he rests at a horribly impossible angle - head up/tail down at 45 degrees plus a 45 egree lean to one side and a 45 angle back.

anyone know what's wrong with him and what it might be from???

this is a low blow, because he's 1/2 of a breeding pair ... and i've been trying to get more for months ...


my cat occassionally drinks from this aquarium, and someone speculated that kitty saliva might contain enzymes that make fish ill?

heeeelllp heeelllp !!

here's some more info ..
he still has his color, but refuses to eat

here's the best pix i could snap of him


Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
i had the same problem withmy rams i think it's an internal infection or something i don't know never found out what killed it but might be from water changes? they are sensitive to tap water from what i read
i hate to tell ya but it might not survive in next few days

Oct 22, 2002
I know I can't help you as far as the disease itself, but I can tell you that we've had no problems w/ our kitties drinking from (or accidentally swimming in) the tanks.  Not sure what might be going on, but maybe that'll narrow things down for you.  Hope things work out for you BDB.

B_B I replied in the "other" thread after we ICQd.

I tend to think that if it's not bacterial in nature (which I doubt) it's a case of the female beating on him in that small tank. They don't have enough territory IMO especially with fry. She could have "butted" him hard enough to bruise the swimbladder, which would cause the loss of equilibrium.

As for treatment, I would have done an epsom salt treatment, 1 TBS/5g in a hospital tank. Epsom has worked for discus with bladder probs, and it is a godsend for constipated fishies.

Even though I don't *think* it's bacterial in nature, the pop eyes bother me. That does tend to support an illness of some sort, not just injury.

Anyways, my condolences. I hope you find another male, I would hate you to give up the quest for babies!