New to Aquariums, Help!


New Fish
Mar 7, 2017
Hey all,

I recently have gotten a 10 gallon tank and purchased a moss ball and a snail. Im unsure of how the cycling works for tanks. From what I've researched, I want to do fish in cycling. If anyone has any experience, tips or step by step instructions I'd really appreciate it.

I'm looking for some combinations that I can make for my tank. Im starting off with 3 Zebra Danios. The fish that I'm really interested in are: Dalmatian Mollys, Fancy guppies, Cory Catfish and maybe a little shrimp.
Im not sure which of these are top dwellers or bottom dwellers.
If anyone thinks this is too many, or that these fish won't get a long, please let me know!

Apr 1, 2017
Hey there-- I'm pretty new to this myself, but I do know that mollies, guppies, and danios are top/middle dwellers, while corys and shrimp are bottom dwellers. Those are all pretty peaceful fish so it seems like they would get along, although small shrimp might get eaten. In a ten gallon that might be a tad much, maybe skip the mollies? You could have some danios (they're schooling fish, so optimally at least six), a pair of guppies, and a small school of cories?