New tank stand concerns

May 30, 2011
I just put together my 55 gallon stan, made my aquatic fundimentals. its made from wood biproducts, or basically particle board. I have used their stands before for my 29 gallon setups and have had no problems. A little sticker was stuck to the assembly instructions stating to not exceed 550 lbs on the stand. This concerns me! 55 gallons is appx 550 lbs....yes? Then about 50lbs in gravel? I realize the gravel will displace some water, but the gravel is heavier than water I think. Anyway, I feel this is cutting it way too close!! I am going to put a 2x4 in the middle of the stand from top to bottom for extra strength. Am I over reacting?



Small Fish
May 23, 2011
I would contact Aquatic Fundamentals for clarifications. If your calculation is correct, someone really messed up. If that is so, if possible return the product and file a complaint to your state attorney general. Good luck!

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Superstar Fish
Your tank with water only will be about 457 pounds of just water. I have a 125 gallon with a cheap made stand. I put 6 braces top to bottom on each corner and two in the middle (front and back) along with relining the tank seat with extra support. You are right, you are close to the limit of safety.