New SPS Chili coral


Superstar Fish
Just thought I would share my new Chili Coral and kind of newly setup 150G long with everyone.

Here is the left side pic of the 150G

and the right side

All but one fish was hiding when I took these pics. Not much in there yet in the way of corals, there are a couple plugs in there with Bird nest frags on them. There is 40 pounds of sand and about 150 pounds of Live rock in there so far. I still have to get some circulation pumps bought so I can get the sump pumps out of there.


Superstar Fish
LOL, its dry here now so not chance of that until the next hurricane season, by then I will have pontoons on it to make it say up LOL. Its all good here, busy as always. I need to get some fish pics, all the fish were hiding when I took pics. There is a bunch of fish in there: Yellow eye Kole Tang, 2 clowns, 3 yellow tail blue damsels, fire fish (he just came back this morning from being gone somewhere for about three+ weeks, I thought he was dead), and a Banguii Cardinal.
I have not got the center piece fish yet. I will be getting these: Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Spotbreast Angelfish . I will have one male and three females.

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