New Goldfish Quarantined

Mar 18, 2011
Hi everyone, I'm new to this website and I really need someone else's opinion and expertise.

I have 2 new comet goldfish in quarantine for about 4 weeks now. One has 2 small white spots on his tail for 3 weeks now...At first I thought it was because he bumped into something and it caused trauma, but then if it was trauma it would have disappeared within days. I thought it was ich, but it's been those 2 spots for 3 weeks now and no change in size or anything. Can someone help me out? The other fish doesn't have any spots at all.

- I gave melafix for about 3 days on the 2nd week of QT.
- both are active, no fin clamping, no signs of any disease, well except for those 2 spots on the male goldfish's tail.
- last time I checked the nitrite was high, but no ammonia.