New fish

Oct 22, 2002
Good day all.Well a friend of mine gave me 7 tetras,4 pink 3blue.I already had 5 goldfish that ive had for awhile and 1 guppy and 2 black mollies.I done some thinking after reading a reply to one of my post yesterday and decided to take 4 of the goldfish and put them in our 100gallon tank at work so they would have plenty of room to grow,altho i did keep my 1 fantail as ive had him for over a year and couldnt bear to take him away.So now i have 7 tetras,1 guppy,2 black mollies and my fantail goldfish in my 20 gallon tank,ive not had any experence in mollies(as i just got them a few days ago)nor in the tetras,so any help on keeping these fish happy would be appreciated,thanks.

Oct 22, 2002
Hello catba,
I just found this topic-Welcome introduce yourself-, saw you had no replies and felt I should not let that stand.  So, I guess you could call this a "pity post" but you shouldn't. :)

I've been keeping fish about seven years. not that seriously.  just like them.  My enthuziasm waxes and wanes.  

I hope the posts you refer to have informed you about keeping tropical and cold water fish seperately.  You know goldfish are cold water guys.  That means they metabolize their food differently so they make more waste and require different types of food.  

I know how you feel about having a fish for awhile.  I would be the last to suggest that you get rid of your fantail.  You could keep it in a nice bowl and even get 'em a tankmate.   I've seen goldfish live for years in a real simple setup.  Feed them very little- like one flake a day- or two or three flakes every other day. Change about half the H2O every week. (seasoned water, one week old, at room temp)  If you want, run an airstone in the bowl.

Make sure if you do this, get the biggest bowl you can and get one with a wide opening.  Water surface is key for oxygen exchange.  If you get one with a narrow opening fill it 1/2 way to allow for oxygen

Anyway, Nice to meet you and good luck.

My name is Paul. I live in Philadelphia USA.

Goodluck and See you on the board.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
hello and welcome,this is a great place to be.i love gold fish but i can't have one takes too much a contrast to what pdiddy said(no offence) i can't see any reason to keep a gold fish in a bowl unless it's a 10 gallon+ bowl.also i've read many places that fancy types of goldfish such as the fantail do better in low tropical temps 70 to 76 deg. 20gal could be to small if it's a bigger goldfish.just keep up on water changes and look for a filter that offers more media for good guy bacteria and it shoud be no problem.

Oct 22, 2002
it's pdid again.  catfishmike has a point, or two or three .  I have' nt done it myself, but have seen GF do well in bowls -  for a long time too.  My brother in law keeps a common in a 1gal bowl. has had it about 6 years.  I am pretty sure he does this to bug me  -all my gear and stuff.  I keep three commons in a 10g. and a cheapo ~$10, filter.  So the setup with gravel and some yard sale decorations cost ~$30.  

good luck
