New Fish- I need help!

Aug 22, 2011
On a recent trip to wallmart for cat food, i came across a Green Spotted Puffer. I Bought the fish, who was still very bright colored, his fins were intact, and he was active, he came right up to the glass. I had also got one of the $5 goldfidh bowl starter kits, and some tropical fish food, as well as aquarium salt. The next day i noticed he was sitting at the bottom of the tank, and he was dulling, so i did some research and bought him a 10 gal. tank, as well as a heater, and filter. I alo got im freeze dried brine shrimp to try. He currently resides in the tank with a black molly, which i now know is a freshwater fish, but he had been in the same tank as where i bought my puffer. I also now know george, the puffer, should be moved to brackish water shortly. How should i go about doing this? Is there anything else i should know/ need?