new 16g bowfront

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
so i just acquired this 16g bowfront. i used 16g from my 2 1/2 year old established 55g. i took one of my biomedia filters out of my filter (i have 4 of them with lots of algae and media, i didnt realize, but the cherry shrimp seem to love it so im not cleaning them out of my 55g) and i stuffed it in the back of this filter. i will hook up the heater tomorrow night when i find an extension cord. i took some plants out of my 55g and planted them. i took out all my 5 platies from my 55g and threw them in here to speed up the cycle. if they make it i honestly dont care. after the tank is done and cycled, im going to get rid of them. not to big of a fan. im then going to use the 16g as a cherry shrimp breeder tank. should only take a couple months and i should have tons of them. im also going to use it for growing more plants. i will probably eventually hook up a diy co2 for it. im thinking in a couple weeks im going to buy this 75g for $75 and set it up as a community aquarium and transfer all fish from 55 to it and then breed various rare shrimp out of the 55g and do it heavily planted, i will also probably do a large school of neon tetras then. then this 16g will be a hospital and plant tank.


Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
thanks newman but they arent staying, just for the cycle process. i ended up finding a local breeder that sold me cherry shrimp at $1 each for juve's and $2 each for adult breeder ready. when fully cycled, im going to breed the cherry out of there, i will probably get these snowball and yellow shrimp from him to to breed in there. i think the 11g hex that i got may hold water and if so im going to use that to grow plants in and will probably breed some different types of shrimp in there to.

once i can get my shrimp operation up and running, i will probably sell a bunch of rare shrimp on here for cheap and to the local lfs's and let that pay for my hobby and then some. i will also probably start breeding the swordtails and selling them to the local lfs to.