my molly is fuzzy


New Fish
Feb 3, 2011
two days ago one of my dwarf blue gouramis died that night i noticed one of my mollies looked like it was shedding the next morning one of my other mollies was dead this one didnt appear to have anything wrong with it and the fuzzy looking one is still alive i looked yesterday to try and find what is wrong with it and all i could find is possible ick but i found someone had asked about a fuzzy molly and no one could tell them what it was but they said it wasnt ick because ick is white spots not fuz i took some pictures of the molly and im really hoping someone could give me ideas on whats wrong with it i dont want to use ick medicine on the whole tank if its not ick the molly is also pregnant

i have a 75 gallon tank it has the bio-wheel balls i think they are called round and blue in the back of the tank and sponges i have a sucky fish a dwarf blue gourami albino catfish 6 mollies a firemouth cichlid and an algea eater not sure what it actually is it was given to me

all my other fish are fine and acting normal i also have baby mollies in the tank


Oct 29, 2010
The sick mollies should be removed into a quarantine tank and treated with an antifungal medication from the fish store.

Treating the whole tank is an option, but not practical for 75 gallons, and scaleless fish (such as most catfish and "algae eaters") can be sensitive to medications.


New Fish
Feb 3, 2011

I just left the pet store I showed them a picture and they said it is a fungus and the gave me stuff to treat it and also told me to remove the fish to a smaller tank instead of wasting the medication on a 75 gallon when just one fish is showing signs...thanks for answering me!