My Blue Gourami ate one of my danios!

I got a couple of zebra danios to put in my tank as dither fish with my cichlids. I was watching, and he grabbed one and had it most of the way in his mouth. He's always been aggressive, but I figured if a couple danios disappeared, it would be one of the kenyis fault. Anyone else see this before?

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Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
most mbuna (with the exception of yellow labs) like your kenyi are almost 100% vegetarian and do not normally consume live fish. "mbuna" is a native term for "rock-dwelling fish" and these guys spend most of their time defending little cave-like territories and eating algae on rocks. this is not to say that if the fish are MUCH smaller they wont be eaten......

i have to be completely honest with you bro, just so i dont feel bad later.

eventually in your 29 gallon, your kenyi WILL eliminate your other fish. i would even go as far as to say that kenyi will eliminate other african cichlids in a 29 gallon. kenyi, along with auratus and M. crabo are some of the most aggressive mbuna you can keep.

in your 10 gallon, your breeding pair of convicts (pound for pound one of the toughest and most aggressive central american cichlids) will also eliminate your other fish.

it is all just a matter of time. you can do the wise thing and reduce your tanks to 10g--1 pair of cons, 29g--1male/2+ female kenyi......or you can come home from school/work and have to pull bodies everyday.