

Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I am taking care of a 55 gal saltwater tank. The fish in it typical die for no apparent reason.  The scooter bleenys and the blue mandarin and the Blue and yellow tail damseals seen to be the only perment reasdent of the tank.  their have been coral beauty angels, blue tangs, Tank Raised P(sp?) clowns, Mimic tangs, Cleaner Wrassels. There is also about 50 pounds of figi live rock.  
They get feed flake food, Frozen brine shrimp, spinage and R. lettues.
There are 2 hot magnums one with a bio wheel, and a large protine skimmer.  I do weekly 25-15% water changes. and all of the test I have run on the water have come back Ideal for saltwater.  
I am also taking care of 46 fresh water tanks that have no issues.  plus all of my tanks at home.  I am just sick of the saltwater tank!!
I will say that when I come back from my day off that is when most of the fish are dead.  The girl who is responsibal for feeding them I don't think acctual does it.  What could one person do in 24 hours that would kill heathy looking fish?
Sorry for the way I spell, anyone have any Ideas?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Do you see dead fish, or is she telling you they died I you don't see them? Plus how long before the fish die? There could be fish compatibilty issues also, but thats just an thought. Also do you add new fish and they die, while the current residents of the tank always live? ???


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would say it is an acute, 24hr ammonia spike. If the girl who is suppose to feed them is -overfeeding- them, espeically on the frozen stuff, an acute ammonia spike could kill some of the fish quickly.

I know, I have mysterious death problems with my systems at work as well.  An apparently healthy fish will be dead when I come back from my day off.  One of the top reasons are my stupid, moronic coworkers feeding the fish when I'm not there, feeding the wrong things, overfeeding, and basically messing with my systems. I also loose deaths do to frequent salinity bouncing. The water evaporates quite quickly, and on my days off, nobody fills my sumps to the water level to maintain stable chemistries. So when I get in I have to add a massive amout of fresh water to the system. Fish can suffer from osmotic problems with this.

Blue tangs are not the hardiest fish in the world, nor are cleaner wrasses. They tend to die at the drop of a hat or any minute change in water chemistry. Percula clowns are known to have a dominace hirarchy that isn't beneficial to the bottom member, who will frequently die due to the stress and competition with other clowns. Coral beauties are prone to pop-eye disease, but this disease is usually treatable with triple-sulfa and is not an instant killer as far as I have seen.

Sorry that you're having such troubles, just keep at it, you'll solve the mystery soon enough.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Let's see... I do see the dead fish because no one will take them out.   I get the ewww or I am allergic to salt excuses. The fish are fine Sunday happy swimming and eating, Monday I am not there, Tuesday bodies all over.  It's not just new fish it's ones that have been there weeks months or some of the new fish.  Some times out of a group only one dies or only one lives till Tuesday.  Typicaly it is very very rare for a fish to die outside of Monday. I crushed a coral beauty once getting a pice of liverock out for someone. that is about it.  
I am thinking that the fish wind up only getting fed Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Thoses are the only days that I see to it personaly.  I have been noticing from Sunday to Friday that the level of fish food we have never changes. Could only feeing 3 days in a row cause an ammonia spike? Because I check that tank everyother day and with trying 2 different test kits every thing comes out fine.  It's just weird.