MACNA Convention to be held in FL this year


Large Fish
Aug 15, 2009
My home state is hosting it this year, and I can't wait... It'll be held in Orlando, and I think I'm gonna go, anyone else plan on going to the 2010 MACNA in Orlando? They have a lot of extras too, like this tour in EPCOT of the sea part... They have some sort of scuba diving tour...

Well basically it's name tells all, it's the marine aquarium conference of north america... Marine Aquarium experts give speeches on care, and you can buy a lot of things, coral, books on marine aquarium care, and they are having this extra thing, some scuba tour at EPCOT...

It's very possible, you live in a major north american city. However, I do believe that it's a once in a lifetime chance if it does come to your town, as there are so many places in north america... So if it ever does go to vegas, you must go... I'm trying to save the money now, but it's probably gona be impossible to save up the money by December 30, so I'm gonna have to save extra... Right now it's a deal... But yeah, it's possible that it could eventually go to Vegas... I hope I can save the money to go to it this year, seeing as I live in FL...