Kissy's Pics

It's totally not fair that Orion is getting all the attention...:p

Here's a couple of my favorite pictures; I'll post more on this thread until I stop visiting MFT, which will be never!
So, yeah, I guess I get to break the "fish only rule" like Orion did, but to make everyone happy, I'll start with the fishies...and then a butterfly. :D All pictures I post are un-photoshopped (unless otherwise noted), mostly because I am incapable of understanding the many buttons photoshop enjoy these originals!

Also, please don't steal these pics...I don't mind people using them as desktop backgrounds or whatever, but don't claim them as your own or sell them. Thanks. :)

1. My favorite ghost shrimp picture ever because he's eating a flake and my plant is actually healthy looking

2. My Tompkins who unfortunately died...this was his favorite position...what a lazy butt

3. And the last one for today...the butterfly


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Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
I like both of the shrimps. They're cute :3
Will they like change colors depending upon what is their main diet? Cause if that's true I'd make sure to only feed the pink flakes :D

Great lookin butterfly too.

Will they like change colors depending upon what is their main diet? Cause if that's true I'd make sure to only feed the pink flakes :D
Only their stomachs/digestive tracts will change color. It's kinda neat! My dad was always urging me to put them in food coloring for a while to see if they'd change color...but I declined. :)

Very nice. Whats up with ya'll and butterfiles?! ;)
I have bees too. :D