I'm so happy, I got a snail!


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
I need snails. My 3 puffers love them.

went to a petco, and they wanted to charge me 5 for $1 on snails that they throw out.....

Went to petsmart, and the fish lady gave me about 30 for free.

Wondering if I can put a few in my cichlid tank so they will breed...so i don't have to trek across town every couple of days for free snails...

will the cichlids bother them?

(sorry to hijack)



Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
Actually, the cichlids will bother the snails. I have read about (and seen) cichlids atacking snails twice their size. They peck at the breathing tube and eye-stalks until the snails die, then they eat the flesh. If you have a pond, real or man-made, in your back yard that would be a good sorce of snails.


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
Well, Chaz, please don't have a break-down because my snail died :(. I don't know why he died, I think it may have been because the temp. in the tank was different then the water I was using for my water change. I know, I know, I need to use a thermometr but mine broke and I am compleatly out f mony.
I got a new snail, a gold mystery snail instead of a black one, and he's really tough. As soon as I put him in my tank he latched onto the side and started eating alge. He likes to race all over the side of the tank and gravel, he's the fastest snail I've ever seen. I named him Speedy. My tank is the cleanest it's ever been.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Chazwick said:
Awww -how can people feed their pet fish snails? My snail, Sammie, is so gorgeous... I would literally have a break down if he died! :( lol - I get attached way too fast! :)
I only drop the small ones in the tank. I have a gorgeous rams horn that's almost the size of a nickle. He's the only one I've ever seen tho. the trumpet snails look cool and I have a couple longs ones, they don't seem to multiply all that fast either. The friggin pond snail are cute but geez louise they multiply fast! I must give 5 a day to the loaches and still there are too many to count! I took all the live plants out of the tank they are in but that doesn't seem to have detered them. :s

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Sorry about that Sandtiger :( How long had you kept the previous snail before it died?
When i was little, i kept normal garden snails as pets (i was an odd child! lol - my parents freaked when i brought them indoors!) and my favourite one was called *drumroll* SPEEDY lol - coincidence? I don't think so :D.
I had that snail for ages, i used to feed it rice! lol - then it died and i buried it... :(

Sandtiger ~ looks like I may be getting a few snails...once I get back to my tanks and see how they faired through the hurricane. I am sure that the sunfish will be floating once I get back and will have to check with the other fish owner on how his fish may have faired. Aquariums are hard to maintain during a natural disaster I am sure to find out!