I'm having a lil bit trouble...

May 22, 2011
using the gravel vacuum.....I did what it says but it doesn't seem to clean anything....no water or anything seems to be coming up.....is there any other way to clean the tank/water?

May 4, 2011
You may have a faulty gravel vac. Are you submerging the entire tube down to the airline and pumping it? Is the outlet end below the tube? You have to pump it a few times while fully submerged, mine usually takes 6-10. Get a bucket and set it on the ground in front of the aquarium, submerge the tube and pump while watching the airline you should see the water come through in bits until it runs out the end, once it is running out the end the siphon has started and it will run on it's own. To answer your question, ghost shrimp are good at cleaning floors as well as snails.

Mar 15, 2011
I have different sizes for different tanks and I fill the gravel vac end with tank water, hold it open end up, cap thetube line with my thumb. I elevate the tube end an gently move it up and down and then release my thumb as I lower the tube to control the water level. Tube end into the bucket and voila! Never spilled a drop, and it's way faster and gentler on the tank than plunging up and down to get it started.