ideas for small fish trap


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
try a shop vac brian or you can talk'm in to just giving up. lmao sorry i couldn't help it.

is it possible to put small tube, that the bigger fish cant get into, with a little food in it so when they go in you can cap it and move them out. only other thought is get net as wide as tank and trap them or maybe plexiglass as wide as tank cornering them to one side so they are easier to get. i've never tried to catch fry so im only guessing as to what to try. good luck i'm sure they are fast.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
cut the bottle in half, invert the top half. You may want to leave the cap on with a hole just big enough for the fry. Once they find their way in, they typically don't find their way out. I'm using that trap at the moment to get some of my cherry shrimp!

I'll be heading to the LFS today to get some store credit for a bunch... apparently $1/shrimp in store credit.... I have hundreds! :D Maybe this is how I'll save up for my SW tank :D. Sorry for hi-jacking. haha.