I just lost my Betta now becoming a member here...

Feb 5, 2010
In a big wooden box
Hi my name is Alexis, and yeah I did lose my Betta. He was sick and my family was trying to get him better but it didn't work the medicine didn't help and he died. I'm so sorry for him I feel like such a bad owner.

On top of that, now I'm becoming a member here, which sort of makes me feel worst because I have no fish, and all but I wanted to become a member here. First off I'm not allowed any animal pets, so fish is the way to go. Second I should learn more about fish become getting more, not because I have no clue how to take care of them but that before I make a community tank I should know about them, all of them. Also to find the fish I want to buy.

I've been saving my money just because I didn't know what to get now I can get fish but I'm not going to do this anytime soon because of the lost of poor dear William Shakespeare.

I have two tanks, one empty and really to go (Just add water/fish) the other needing some work.

The first tank is a ten gallon (Us gallon), glass. Everything is cleaned and really, and has been for a while. The other tank was Williams, but now I must clean it up. Taking everything under bolling water to clean it, this tank is plastic. I have two filters, one bubble maker thing, and other fun stuff. I have lots of money saved for stuff so that won't be an issue.

If anyone has any ideas on the type of fish and how many I can have in my tanks, please let me know. Also I work with fresh water fish, yeah just in case you haven't noticed yet.

Because my camera battery died, I won't be able to get photos for you, to see what I have and the type so I will describe everything to the best of my ability.

10 US Gallon Tank - A glass, tank with a black lid. The lid has a clear glass on one side the other is an opening passage for food and such. On the glass wall there is a temperature measurer sticker.

3 US Gallon Tank - A plastic, tank with an oval affect. The lid has different holes for such objects to fit inside. Also having a temperature measurer sticker on the right front side.

2 2-10 and 10 US Gallon filters: Both the same company, Tetra Whisper. They are black with cords to plug in.

Elite800 - A bubbler thing, which is actually called a pump. This one is blue, and pretty.

Topfin Heater - This heater is black and is by the company Topfin.

So there we have it the main things I have, not including the decor or such. Please anyone who has any ideas on what I should buy for fish, please give it a go! :]