How to prep the tank?

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
I want discus. I've wanted them since I first started researching fish, but I wanted to wait and the hubby didn't want them. Well, he's not here right now so I'm gonna go ahead and get them. If he doesn't like it I'll get him a new tank when he gets home.

So I want to put them into my 75 gal. What should I do to prep it? Someone already mentioned replacing the rocks cuz they are kinda sharp, but what else?

Oct 19, 2006
Southern, CA
dont get discus they grow to get a foot and are vary aggressive the best bet for you is to get a convict chiclid because they are calm....and many people say they are aggressive but they are not i have one in my community tank and only grow to be 4 inches

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
KilledByQTips said:
dont get discus they grow to get a foot and are vary aggressive the best bet for you is to get a convict chiclid because they are calm....and many people say they are aggressive but they are not i have one in my community tank and only grow to be 4 inches
I seriously hope you are joking. Because if not....just log off right now.

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Cichlid-Man said:
I seriously hope you are joking. Because if not....just log off right now.
My thoughts exactly.

KilledByQTips said:
dont get discus they grow to get a foot and are vary aggressive the best bet for you is to get a convict chiclid because they are calm....and many people say they are aggressive but they are not i have one in my community tank and only grow to be 4 inches
Seriously.... A foot long?....Um.... You might wanna do your research.... Um.... I don't know what else to say.... I'm just.... Wow....


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Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
I haven't decided whether I'm going to take the angels and gouramis out. If I needed to I could take out the gouramis, but the angels are new and I really like them. They're only an inch and I thought they would go okay with discus. What do you think?

If it was get discus or keep the angels, however, I'd probably just get a smaller tank and move the angels to that (oh darn, another tank, that would sure suck).:)

BTW KilledbyQTips, check out this page:
Discus Fish for Sale: Tropical Discus and Freshwater Discus Species
an assortment of discus, not a single one of which gets above 8 in. and usually as far as I know, it's rare to even see them that big. They are also VERY PEACEFUL fish, except when spawning, which is normal for any fish, from what I've read.

"dont get discus they grow to get a foot and are vary aggressive the best bet for you is to get a convict chiclid because they are calm....and many people say they are aggressive but they are not i have one in my community tank and only grow to be 4 inches" KilledbyQtips

Cichlid-Man said:
I seriously hope you are joking. Because if not....just log off right now.

Ya best take a chill pill there Qtip...... watch yer Mouth!!!

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Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I've heard that many people like to keep discus tanks with bare bottoms since it is easier to keep the water quality up. I've seen some pics of pretty discus tanks where people have kept "bowls" of gravel in the bottom with plants sticking out of them.

QT, at this point, I think it would be better for you to ASK the questions, instead of attempting to ANSWER them. Convicts are more aggressive than discus...

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I would remove the Gouramis Usa, the angels should be ok to stay. You might have to make adjustments reguarding the angels later on. Like if you have pairs form and they hassle the discus. But for now they should be ok.

Discus are shy so make sure you have places they can kinda duck down behind if they need to, like plants (live or plastic). A BB tank is good, but not truely needed.

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Cichlid-Man said:
Discus are shy so make sure you have places they can kinda duck down behind if they need to, like plants (live or plastic).
My gouramis are shy and they always swim away to hide when I go anywhere near the tank. Will the discus do the same thing? Cuz I think it's annoying. I want them up front and center where I can see their beatifulness (I know not a word:)).


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2006
Sothern California
KilledByQTips said:
dont get discus they grow to get a foot and are vary aggressive the best bet for you is to get a convict chiclid because they are calm....and many people say they are aggressive but they are not i have one in my community tank and only grow to be 4 inches
thats not even you jj its probably camoran cause hes the one with the convicts and he dosn't know annything about discus.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
hmm it depends where you get them. i got mine at an auction and im sad to say thier pitiful fish at the moment. all but one is skittish, and my marlboro constantly hides. slowly though they are coming out as i spoil them with food.

id say if you want discus, find a good breeder, dont do lfs. thiers suck. make sure the fish come to the glass and greet you and the breeder. have him feed them to make sure they eat. try to get about 3" ones. the accumulate better to a new home at a smaller size. but dont get less than 1.5". most have a hard time moving around.

and your gouramis shouldnt do that. i dont have them, but fish should be happy to see thier owner. mainly because owner=food
do they have hiding places? plants or decor. it helps them become less insecure if they know they can hide when they want to.

OT / What color?

How are you ever going to decide what color / pattern discus to get? They're all so beautiful! (I was just looking at some online) Is there a breeder near you, a LFS who has some, or are you ordering them online?

Someday I may go down this road..... after 30yrs of fishkeeping & retired lol!

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
I don't know how to find a local breeder. Anyone got suggestions? As far as color, I figure I'll just get whatever's prettiest that the breeder/lfs/website has to offer.

And no, my tank isn't very well planted yet so that could explain why they gouramis feel the need to hide. They do come out at feeding time, though.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
o but the colors are the best part!!!!!!!
i love the ghosts! some even have goldfish markings. white with orangish spots
thier all beautiful :)

and fishbrain you should. thier a great fish with a lot of personality


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
OK back to the original question.

Bare bottom is nice, but many like myself like plants. A nice compromise that has already been mentioned is using dishes with gravel in them for the plants. This gives you the ease of a bare bottomed tank but allows the beauty of plants. example:

Other than that make sure you match the breeder or what ever supply you are getting them from to the same water parameters. If they are kept in soft acidic water make sure that is what you have. Discus can be kept in hard water but getting them used to it takes time. I would say the transition to hard water needs to be done over the course of a couple of months as to not shock their immune system and allow them to adjust to the new water.

Of course keep your tank around 84 degrees and when first introducing them having it up near 88-89 will help eliminate stress.

One thing you should be warned about....often when shipped or even moved across town Discus like to play dead. They actually will lie on their sides and gasp for air. Don't let this alarm you. Just keep the lights off on the new tank and they should be fine by morning.

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Pure said:
One thing you should be warned about....often when shipped or even moved across town Discus like to play dead. They actually will lie on their sides and gasp for air. Don't let this alarm you. Just keep the lights off on the new tank and they should be fine by morning.
Wow, I am so glad you told me that. I would've totally freaked out.

I went by my lfs today and checked out their discus to see if I wanted to buy from them (much cheaper). Two of the little ones were triangular shaped, which I know is bad. One was huge and I didn't like his coloring. But then the other two little ones were a good shape. Their coloring was very plain, but that is supposed to change as they get older. They were very lively and kept coming out from behind the log to check me out.