How To Add New Fish To Your Tank


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
Thought this would be helpful for some beginner fish keepers out there on how to add new fish to your tank! It's a quick cliffnote version but hopefully will start you off the right way. This is based on the fact that your tank is already cycled and ready to add fish or more fishes.

1. Float the Bag! - leave the bag floating in your tank. This will help make the temperature of the water in the bag the same as your tank in a slow manner so not to shock the fish. I would recommend at least 10-15 minutes if not longer (as long as there is air in the bag).

2. Add Tank Water - open the bag and slowly add some tank water into the bag. Approximately 1/2 cup will do. This helps in also helping your fish not stress out from being just dumped into a new environment.

3. Repeat step 1 and 2 approximately 2-3 more times. Remember...slow is key. No need to rush this process as we want to slowly acclimate your fish into your tank.

4. Remove the Fish - Some people (and I'm guilty of it) will just dump the fish out of the bag into the tank along with some of the water in the bag. By doing so, you're increasing the chances of contaminating your tank with any diseases that came with the water at the store. Best thing is to use a net and gently remove the fish.

- one thing I also do is make sure my lights are off when doing this process. Because the bag is floating near the top, the light will stress out the fish as it'll naturally want to try to hide and can't.