how often to feed?

Aug 10, 2003
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I was wondering if the main diet of my gsp is frozen blood worms how many times a day should I feed him? None of my other fish are fed mainly on frozen food so Im not sure.:) Im also planning on feeding him snails about once a week, is that often enough?


Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
Visit site
First awesome pic of fish. Gotta love the puffs! Once e a day for the gsp. If you feed them like that the puff will soon know that you mean food and when you feed him/her they will eat all the food, and just keep feeding till their tummy looks lumpy on the bottom. Puffs are one of the few fish that will keep on eating even though they cannot. I feed my barbs and dwarf puffer freeze dried blood worms, and everytime i feed them it takes him a max of 3 worms to be literly stuffed but he will swim around the tank with a worm halfway out of his mouth till he can swallow it. When ur puff is full just net away the remaining food.

As far as snails go, once a month i give my d. puff a pouch of 20 or so pond snails or small ramshorns to attack. This is very important because their teeth/beak dont stop growing and need to be worn down.

hope this helpped, and good luck with your puff.