How much?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Well, here is the deall right now on my 20 gal discus tank i have an aqua clear 150 and mini ;D But, instead of having to add chemicals every week or so to soften the water i was thinking i might just use peat 8) My Questions are how much peat should i put in my filters? Should i put it in the filters?One more,will the Peat lower my Ph too as i have a high PH here?

Thanks everybody,
Daniel ;D

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If you are willing to dish out the money for the costs of discus, I would go with a sure way to soften the water, a tap water purifier. Peat can take a while unless you make peat trashcan where the water is pushed through the peat over and over so you have water for the water changes.

If you add it to your filter, i don't really know how much you will need but I would put it in a nylon stocking, and get as much as you can to fit in the filter after the sponge.

Seams like a pain..when a tap water purifier could just be mixed in with your regular water, and easier to control as well.

If you dont have the money for it.....then do you really want to put out that kind of money for discus?



Dont bother with peat. I tried it in my 90G. It didnt help much. Really the only thing it did do was turn my water brown. How hard is your water? My is around 100gh and 100kh. If you are having trouble with pH like I am, use C02 injection instead. I seems to be working quite well for me and it is really easy and inexpensive (2L bottle with yeast).

I would also cycle your tank using the fishless cycle. Then you dont have to worry about killing fish and will have a large bio.

Read my post about steady pH. It might not be your hardness so much like I found out. My tap water initially is 7.0 but after a couple of days, it rises to 7.6+. Give it a try. If that is the case C02 will help.