Hillstream loach & goldfish

Jul 7, 2008
Hello. A few days ago I purchased a hillstream loach/stingray pleco for my 20 gallon tall goldfish tank. The tank was originally planted with elodea (to which I have recently added an amazon plant and another smaller plant) and has been up and running since February. The tank, up until recently, held 5 goldfish, 2 dwarf frogs, and a snail. One of my fish passed away a few weeks ago, so the tank currently holds only 4 goldfish until the one I bought along with the loach comes out of quarantine. Before I bought the loach, I made sure to ask the clerk about its compatibility with my tank and about crowding. I was advised by the clerk that it was both compatible and that adding it would not overcrowd my tank (and since the store I was at is a fish specialty store that usually provides excellent quality fish, I took their word for it). However, I've been looking up info about my newest addition and I'm starting to get really worried because everywhere I look says exactly the opposite. So far my loach looks fine, is active, and he hasn't been hanging around the air stone like I read they usually do; but I am concerned. I would hate to have my loach suffocate or be unwell yet I'm not sure if I should bring it back (especially if it's not going into a more appropriate tank). I also unfortunately do not have the space to get a separate tank or even a larger one at the moment. If anyone has any advice for what I should do I would really appreciate it.