high fin plec and green cory catfish


Large Fish
Apr 10, 2009
i heard that it is good to feed your plecs fresh vegetables is this ture? If so what types? and will green cory catfish eat fresh vegetables also?

and two more questions.

is it normal for plecs to suck on the opening in a live snails shell?

and how hard is it to maintain ghost shrimp from a lfs?

I have two very small bristlenose catfish, and they seem to like the zuchini.

I also have a sailfin pleco about 8 inches long and he just loves zuchini, the first time I gave it to him all he did was eat and eat.

As for leaving it in there I wouldn't as it will pollute your water, I leave mine in for one day only and then throw out whats not eaten. Even leaving it in for this length of time causes some of the zuchini to float in the water.