Hi..new here and new to fish


New Fish
Jan 22, 2011
Hi I got a 55 gallon tank beginning this month. Had a 5 inch pleco in it.

I added guppies, tetras, catfish and cichlids. Everyone seemed to get along fairly well. Had lots of fake and live plants, caves, logs, walls so everyone had hiding spots and there would be less chance of fighting.

I had joined another forum and all I got was blunt, brass comments about how all my fish were gonna die and how much food I had for my cichlids. My tank was happy…I started to worry about my fish. I started noticing my fish swimming less in the open areas, hiding, stressed and I removed my cichlids cause my panda cats were starting to "play dead". Acting dead even tho they werent. Overnight last night My fish were dying, had what looked like powder on the fins and tails, then onto their bodies. I lost most of my fish since last night. I have medicated them and still lost a couple more but they are starting to look better and moving around again.

I was so upset about how everyone said my cichlids would kill everyone I was so over worried about it I didnt see the signs of illness till it was too late.

I am hoping maybe you guys will be more considerate and kind reguarding my situation here. This is my first attempt at having fish of my own and am feeling so bad that almost everyone died from infection because I got some harsh comments.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome to MFT. Sorry to hear about your fish losses. You may very well have had an inappropriate mix of fish in your tank - and the poor water conditions and stress from unsuitable tank stocking can exacerbate illness. There's lots to learn about successful fishkeeping, and often misleading if not totally wrong info from pet stores. We'll be glad to offer our experiences here. If you have any specific questions, post them in the general thread, and we'll try to help out.
Here's some for you:
Do you have a liquid test kit for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
What kind of tetras, algae eaters, catfish and cichlid do you currently have?
What meds did you end up using in your tank?


New Fish
Jan 22, 2011
Its been a while. My cichlids are all gone. Now I have guppies, neon and x-ray tetras, sunburst wags, panda / peppered / spotted catfish, black n gold mystery snails..and now 2 pea puffers to control the snail population WOW those suckers breed like crazy!

Since the outbreak I managed to raise 18 little baby sunburst wag fry! Was that an experience!! I gave the petstore 14 of them this weekend cause I cant possibly raise them all to adulthood…overpopulate!!