Help with my guppies please!


New Fish
Jan 9, 2011
Ok, so I have one 10 gallon tank with four guppies in it, 3 females and one male. Two of the females are completely fine while the other two are having some problems. A person at my local pet store told me they thought my problem was ICH and suggested I turn the temperature in the tank up to 86 F gradually. They also suggested I use a medication called Ich Attack and take out the carbon filter in my tank. It seemed to go away and then yesterday the two were sick again worse then before. They were covered in what I was told is Ich and their tails began to disappear. I had the water tested in my tanks (I also have a one gallon tank that has a few molly fry in it). The results were that everything was normal. My male guppy died today and I took a few pictures of his tail to see if anyone would possibly know what is going on and have any suggestions.


Jan 15, 2011
I agree with Violet looks like fin rot. Unfortunately people at fish stores are not knowledgeable about fish. They just sell them. They hire kids off the street who don't even have fish. First you need to see if your fish are attacking each other. When breeding is going on, the male can attack the females and actually kill them. You do have a good male to female ratio, but you want to see if they are nipping at each other. To treat the fin rot, it is an external bacterial infection. Make sure water quality is good, and do a water change. Use an antibotic. Ick is a fungal disease so the fish store is not treating the problem. Buy a good book on fish diseases. If I could recommend one is the everything tropical fish book by Darlo DeVito & Gregory Skomal. Good book. Tell you how to treat diseases even the old fashion natural way. Personally when my fish had fin rot, I like more of a natural method for healing, so I like Melafix and Pimafix. I usually use Melafix first, it will actually start healing their fins. So if I was in your shoes I would use Melafix to treat the disease and start healing your fish. Pimafix is a great anti fungal. Good to have these sort of things on hand. Also buy some aquarium salt, fixes whatever ails you.


Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2010
Pierre SD
frequent water changes, such as every day or two, changing 25+% of the water. Poor water conditions are usualy the culprit with any form of parasite, internal or external.

I think the spots near the head are from the flash of his camera, but it looks like part of his fin was nipped off as it still has the top section of tail. Aquarium salt is for ALL FISH, tropical, coldwater, whatever. The salt is not marine salt, it is for electrolytes for fishies(like you need and drink gatorade for).

Water changes more frequently and observe their behavior among eachoher because im assuming it was stress from nipping that ran down his immune system and caused the onset of Ich and/or fin rot. Try adding the salt(a little more than reccomended is okay when treating disease) and the melafix I know works. I've had people come up to me when I was checking out at walmart where I am for the most part, forced to purchase my aquatic buddies, and tell me that melafix is the best for treating almost anything.

More pictures and info please?