Help w/ 15gallon nano reef tank setup

Oct 22, 2002
I've just come from my lfs where they have one of the most impressive nano tanks I've ever seen!

I have a 15gallon sitting unused currently and I'm thinking perhaps I should ATTEMPT to start some type of reef aquarium:)

How much lighting do I need? 4-6 watts per gallon?
I want great filtration, not just good, so I don't want one of those prizm things, i'm thinking a protein skimmer and a....what?

for a 15 gallon, I'd want 1-2" of live sand right? thats about 8 lbs of it? and how much live rock do you recommend? 10lbs?

Am I best to walk into a LFS and ask for their rock? or do I get primo rock by ordering online?

Also, when the tank is established (4-8 months I guess?) how does one go about GETTING coral!? *LOL* I know its a stupid question, but I see it in stores already attached to live they pry it off the rock? or just give you the rock?!

I'm not going to jump into this, just want to cover all the bases and make sure I know what I'm getting into!

If you have any links of previous discussion on this matter, or website on it, please link me!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Couple of inches of live sand will be fine because placing too much sand in a nano will take up a lot of space.
I am not sure what the length of a nano is but people have good like with using power compacts.  You can get them at or
Try to get a minimum of 5 watts/gallon.
For a nano, it might be best just to pick out the rock you want at the LFS because you will need about 15lbs.  I am not sure what they are going to give you in a mail order rock or what the minimum order is.  THe rocks at the LFS should not cost you more than $5/lb.  I can get is usually for around $3/lb.  If not try or or for some rocks.
Usually the corals come attach to a small base rock in which they sell it.  Some people do get corals from the vendors I have listed but just be aware the shipping does cost around $20-$30 (almost the price of one coral at the LFS).
I think one of the better forums for nano reefs is .   YOu can look at some of the nanos in member's page and see which one you want to copy.
Others have used no skimmer in a nano because they do weekly water changes (10%) and water changes are more important than a skimmer.

Oct 22, 2002
This 15 gallon is what I first used when I started out w/ planted tanks. Its a longer tank, and the height and depth is about that of a 10 gallon. I guess its about 24" wide?
Anyway, I already have a hood with 4x24" lights on it, so 80watts = 5.33 wpg, should i remove one bulb since the tank is so shallow? and just go with 60watts, 4 wgp?
Should I get special bulbs? or is that all just hype?

From what I've read I guess I'll just get a powerhead and a smaller aqua clear filter w/ just pads in it.
How many gph should the power head be? I can imagine if I get one to strong it'll blow the sand everywhere!?

And how much sand do I ask for when I go to the store?