Help on Fin Rot issues...


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
add a little bit of salt, proportional to the amount of water in the tank. I'd say every time you change 1 gallon of water from the tank, add 1/4 of a teaspoon of aquarium salt...just to be safe..
Melafix seems to be recommended throughout the web. ive never used the stuff (as i stay away from using any prepared meds) I hear that indian almond leaf has benefitial properties...its usually very cheap online...
also your betta should be in heated water with temps around 79-82F
treatments work best around that temp as well...

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Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Just be careful if you use Melafix. Make sure your tank is VERY well aerated. I found out the hard way that Melafix robs the water of oxygen and will suffocate your fish. I "rescued" a cellophane male betta from Walmart who was in a tank with two red-tailed botia and being horribly abused by them. When I finally got him home (had a small fight with management because they had just received a shipment of fish and wouldn't sell any fish, even though the poor guy had been there at least two weeks), his fins were virtually non-existent and he had several wounds on his body. I put him in one of my 1.5gal hex tanks and dosed him with Melafix as the bottle said and within three days he was dead. I found out later that even though it doesn't say it on the bottle, the tank needs to be well-aerated because the eucalyptus in Melafix robs the water of oxygen. So, just a heads-up on that. :) Same goes for BettaFix (same exact stuff as Melafix, just in a smaller bottle).


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Also, my original betta, Al (who has since passed to the great pond in the sky) had fin rot a couple of months after I got him. I didn't know what the heck was going on at the time, so I just let him be and he pulled through with no adverse effects. In fact, his fins were prettier when they grew back (which took a few months). So, there's alway a chance your guy will pull through just fine, too. :)