Help me please

Jan 24, 2006
Hi everybody, fost of all I introduce myself:
I’m a 31 years old italian guy that loves very much all animals ( especially dog cats and fishes )
About 5 years ago I’ve started my first tank and now I have the following:

90 gallons with african chiclids
95 gallons with discus
400 gallons pond with Koi
20 gallons with a turtle ( in spring and summer she lives in the pond )
I’ve also prepared a 60 tank at my brother’s house for my nephew with 2 fantails and 2 black moore.

Now I’m preparing a “strange project” as follows:

90 gallons tank with a 22 galloons sump, my idea is to do a “ Predators Tank “ with a lionfish and a couple of morays but I have come questions:

Will the morays kill ( or try to ) the lionfish ?
How do I breed the morays ? Only with live fishes ?
Is the tank too small for the inhabitants I want to raise ?
Lightninhg ?
How many live rock do I have to insert ?

Thanks for Yur help and excuse if my English is not very good


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
welcome to MY FISH TANK :) :) :)

what kind of moray and what kind of lionfish were you planning to have? some moreys can get quite large and 90G wouldn't be big enough.

as far as the live rock is concerned, you can add as much as you want. a 90G tank will accomodate QUITE a bit of live rock.

lighting will depend on whether you wish to have corals.

Jan 24, 2006
Dear Seastar...

I was thinking about a Pterois lionfish, one nebulosa moray and a Hystrix fish. What U think 'bout this population ?

I don't think i'll have corals since i saw a beautiful histrix and lots of people told me that he likes to eat corals. I'll have to close the tank and so i'll put just 4 neon to light the acquarium.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Hi Supermassy,

You may want to post this question in the Salt Water section, those folks would probably be able to answer better.

By Hystrix fish - do you mean porcupine puffer (Diodon hystrix)? If so, puffers usually aren't reccomended to go with other fish, plus an aggressive puffer and lionfish don't seem like a good match to me.

Lionfish are really awesome and beautiful fish, I used to have one.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
I would stick with a single large lionfish and maybe a few of the smaller species of eels....make sure to get a lot of live rock and a good filtration system with a protein skimmer


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I agree, I would keep one Lionfish in that size tank. As far as several species eels, I wouldnt advise it! Sometimes its possible and other time its not to keep more than one of the same species Mine have had a few quarrels but nothing severe yet (fingers crossed). If you are going to do more than one eel then I reccomend the following:
1) Add them at the same time
2) Make sure the ones that you get are of similar size
As far as the eels eating the lions, I have had the two together without a problem. This species of eel does not generally go after fish. They WILL go after inverts though. My two dont go after the fish that they are with now either. The Lions will eat anything that they are able to (not the eels though).
The Eel and Lionfish can be hand fed with frozen foods (squid, silversides, krill) and caution (I did it).
The Snowflake Eel has not been bred in captivity before.

Jan 24, 2006
I was thinking about putting two protein skimmers ( a friend is sellin' one )

How about the water movement ?

The population I think will be: one volitans 2 snowflakes eels. no corals exept for a sarcophiton and a palitoa.