Hello, I'm new...


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have been looking all around the internet for a good forum about fish tanks and maintance. I hope this is a nicely developed forum. I look forward to chatting with all of you and sharing fish information.

I have a 10 gallon fresh water tank, with a bio wheel filter, heater (not sure what brand) and well, pink, blue and white rocks, with a sunken ship and scuba diver as ornamints along with a fake plant. I love my tank to death! I bought it on Boxing day (Dec.26th). I took care of my boyfriends 20 gallon tank for a year be4 I purchased my own.

I had some penguin tetera, neon tetera, black neon teteras, platties and some baby platties, and guppy and a baby guppy, and a pleco that would jump out of the tank and onto the out flowing water of the filter, strange little guy. Sadly my pleco died, I replaced him with another pleco, then I went away on vacation for a week leaving my mom to take care of them (she knows nothing about fish care, or fish diseases) I showed her how to feed them, and test the chemicals, along with how to do a water change. She became a pro be4 I actually left... I come back and they are all GONE, they all died of ICK! The only remaining fish are one male platty, and my baby guppy, and that evil evil new pleco.

I believe that my new pleco brought ICK into my tank, he had some tattered fins, and also where I bought him I have had problems with the store in the past with buying sick ick infested fish... Learnt my lesson a little too late.

I do hope that my baby guppy pulls through, this was my first time raising baby fish, and well I really wanted my baby platties to live cause they were born first be4 the guuppy. Ahhh well... R.I.P. my little fishies.

I am currently trying to get my tank all settled again, and have everything back to normal then I will be re-stocking my tank with well I really dont know. Anyone have any ideas?



Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You better be careful didn't anybody tell you this is addictive?  yeah! before you know it you'll be putting tanks where ever they'll fit.  Anyway I'm not really into small fish but if you'll re-post it in the beginner chat room you will have some good responces.  

Did you get you ICK cleared up?  I think everybody has had an ick out break atleast once.  


Atlantic Fish

Been there!! Had ick, got the t-shirt.  Ask the questions we will try to answer them..
Johnmac *twirlysmiley*


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
I saw Boxing Day, and everybody says "Canuck". I know its a holiday in England, too. My family celebrates it here in the USA, but they're from Jamaica. Just thought I would mention it. Welcome aboard "aidanchick"!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Care to educate an ingorant American? What the heck is Boxing Day? Do you get to go four rounds with the person you would most like to punch their face in? Now that's a holiday I could celebrate<G>.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Colesea, this may help. And for all else.                           www.snopes2.com/holidays/christmas/boxing.htm                                                                              Later yall, Ernest *twirlysmiley*


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I started with a ten gal.  Be patient.  It is so tempting to over stock.  There's so many cool fish to get.  Some would say you can have one inch of fish/gal.  That's ten inches of fish.  Eight neons and a small cory?  Youcan keep ten inches of fish in a 10g, but it will be a a constant struggle to keep up with maintenance on such a small tank. The bigger the tank the more stable it is.  Once when i was keeping alot of fish in a 10, I cleaned the gravel and changed about 50% h20 (by mistake), this essentially un-cycledthe tank.  I got ammo spikes and nitrites and all.  One or two medium sized fish are very nice.  A couple angels or one nice shebunkin are very nicely kept in a ten.  good luck.  Bigger, in this case, is better.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Let me start out by saying hello and welcome to the forum I hope we can help with all of your problems. *celebratesmiley*

Okay your first problem is you were overstocked. Whenever you tank clears up I suggest maybe some guppies (probably about 5 or so) and some ottos. NO PLECOS! Plecos get HUGE like 12+ inches so a ten gallon is to small. Don't worry I made the same mistake. Also angels are also a bad idea because they need about 20 gallons per fish when full grown, they do get 6 inches long and tall remember. 8)

Well I hope you enjoy your stay here. Nice to have a new member. ;D ;) *twirlysmiley*


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ok how do you guys get this cool stuff on the side of your messages, I understand how to put this *celebratesmiley* *crazysmiley* 8) Oh I just figured out how to do that stuff, ok instert image and stuff like that.  I am fishdog and am new at this.  I posted a few things and need help.  I guess everyone is out tonight seeing this is a Friday night.. ok so I have no life.
