Hello from Northern California


New Fish
Oct 24, 2009
I am not really new to this site I was here late last year asking a question about filters and I purchased an Eheim and it works really well. No problems as a matter of fact with this new filter my fish keep having babies. My new question is what air pump do you recommend? I have a Rena and it does not pump enough air. I have a 30 gallon tank, but will be upgrading soon to a 40-50 gallon tank. Any suggestions???

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Hello. Welcome to the forum! Could you tell us about your tank and how many of each species of fish you have? Have you cycled your tank? Your fish having babies is unlikely a cause of the new filter. ;) Livebearers (guppies, endler's livebearers, mollies, platies, etc.) breed like there's no tomorrow.