Got me a brand new guppy!


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
i went down to my lfs today for somee plants and ended up getting a lovely guppy. i picked out my plants a got some live bloodworm i decided to look at the fish while i was there and saw they hasd some more male guppies in for £2.60 each i had enough money on me i had decided on a otto but when i saw those guppies i had to have one i asked the guy he said are your perents here i said no then he asked me my age i said 13 he almost wasnt going to sell me any fish because u have to be 16+ or something but my brother(17) came in and i got one. i picked out a green one with a huge red and yellow tail with black dots on and he was able to catch it out of the whole lot ive got him in my tank and hes happy i called him snake (green) ill put a pic on.