Getting back into the swing of things...


New Fish
Nov 3, 2010
Howdy! I'm Kimb (the b's silent).

I have a 75 gallon tank with 3 silver dollars and I just introduced a rubber lipped pleco. The tank used to have an oscar, convict and a bigger school of silver dollars. I've been putting off replacing them after they died but I'm going back to school next summer so I want to get the tank resestablished before then.

All I know right now is that tank will need new substrate, decor, and (of course!) fish. After having an oscar all those years I want a community tank with a lot of movement where I can keep schools of smaller fish.

Y'all will probably see a few posts from me from time to time as I try to figure out my new tank set up!

I'm excited :)


New Fish
Nov 3, 2010
Thanks Mercedes!

Part of the reason I joined here was because every time I googled something, a forum here would pop up.

Yeah, now that my oscar is gone and all the attention is off him, I've come to appreciate how cool it is to watch the silver dollars play in my tank :)