frogmouth pleco anyone know anything

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
anyone know about frogmouth pleco? i just got one today and was wondering any info on it? i never heard of it but its light in color and scales are vertical and face sorta looks like a frog mouth but maybe a trade name?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've never heard of it, but try and see if you can get the information there. They've got -everything- you could want to know about plecos and then some.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
ditto on planetcatfish that site is will probably need some powerheads and driftwood,most pleco's like fast oxygenated water and most like driftwood either to sit on or   rasp at and don't forget to try feeding it meaty stuff.also just curious could this fish be confused with a frogmouth catfish,does it have a sucker mouth?

Oct 22, 2002
I have seen the rubber lip or chubby pl*co also refered to as a frog mouth.  I have a chubby, it is grayish thick lip suckermouth.  He's about 3 inches long and I have had him for a little over a year now.  He loves the hikari bottom wafers and algae wafers and also loves shrimp pellets.  He doesn't rasp on the driftwood like my bristlenoses do, but I see him there occasionally.  He does like caves.  If you have the same fish, they have the strange habit of laying on their backs upside down under something, looking like they have died.  Don't know why they do this, I guess just to drive me crazy.  Mine is not shy and comes out frequently and often can be seen posing on rocks.  He gets a little territorial with my bristlenoses, but I have never seen blood shed, just an occasional head bump and usually over an algae wafer.  He loves my yoyo loaches and often hangs out with them and shares an algae wafer with them. *celebratesmiley*
Planet catfish had them as catfish of the month recently.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
thanks for all ur help i did check out and looked at the chubby pleco and it looks like it is one also found it on as rubber pleco and it looks alot like the one on fishprofiles, it hides behind the powerhead i have in my ten gal, i'm keeping it in there for now with a common pleco, but it doesn't seem to care if the other pleco is around it's hiding place, i haven't noticed it come out only once when i turn out the lights but still concerned if it's to stressed out or something can't tell if it's even eaten since i only got it for a couple days and all it does is hidebehind the powerhead the water it does seem to hide more when i'm walkin by or lookin in the tank.

Oct 22, 2002
Make sure you have a couple caves so he feels comfortable.  Mine thinks that shrimp pellets are the best treat, maybe toss some in at lights out.  Good luck, they are cool little pl*cos, they stay small.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
thank for all ur help my frog pleco looks good i added some flat rocksyesterday to make cavesbut seems likes to hang out by the filter for now, this morning i found it underneath the driftwood justhanging out upsidedown, i can tell he's eating his bell is full and well he's pooping i don't see him eat but i drop some peas after lights goes out thanx again for all ur help all  *celebratesmiley*