Free feeders, anybody?

Jan 17, 2004
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I raised two frogs from tadpoles, and, knowing that they eat live food, I bought them some nice feeder guppies as well as crickets.
It so happens, however, that the frogs weren't interested in them, so the guppies did what they do best, and having been producing clouds and clouds of feeder fry that I have absolutely no use for.
So, if you've got a little guy that can't handle the big feeders yet, just let me know, and I'd be happy to give you an all-you-can-eat guppy fry buffet for your fish!!
Like I say, I have PLENTY to go around, so if your stores are like mine and don't sell feeders small enough, just let me know! I have small, tiny, and really eeny-weeny itty-bitty.