
Oct 22, 2002
ok..not because everyone thinks there an expert or anything..but i was wondering whats everyones personal fish keeping experience..be as detailed as you like (or lie, whatever you feel more comfortable with  ;D)i've have had at least one tank running for about 7 years, here's what i have right now and some of my past tradgedy's:

30 gal tank filtered by HOT canister, with:
1 6"  turquoise severum
1 3"  silverdollar
2 1"  silver dollars
2 3.5"  clown loaches
2 2"  clown loaches

10 gal hex tank filterd by aquaclear 150 with:
2 1.5" severums (green & gold)
2 1" panda corys

some of my poor victims:
discus, plecos, raphael, neon tetras, blue acara(just died recently after about 5 years  :'(  )also had abunch of clown loaches in the past but i've been real lucky lately, i think theres more, but too embarrased to name everything that is now swimming with the tidy bowl man..  


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My fishkeeping history:

My dad liked fish as much as I did. When I was about four he bought me a 2g hex filter by a spongebox and an airpump, in which I kept two tiny feeder goldfish.

They later got bigger so for my fifth birtday my dad bought me a 10g, incandescent lighting, multicolored gravel, some kind of powerfilter. I also tried to keep a blue crayfish in there, but it soon died :(

My Dad had a 480 gallon aquarium in our house, he divorced my mum and moved across the country and I pretty much never heard from him again. He left me a huge tank with huge fish, that I was too young to take care of. My mum sold the fish and we cleaned the tank out, and my uncles put it in the basement.

I kept going with my ten, and for my 7th birthday I think my mum got me a 33g and three red-eared slider turtles. I named them after the ninja turtles :) I made a palludarium setup, but whenever I tried to keep fish they would get eaten. I still had my ten, but the gold fish where getting large. I got a bigger tank later that year for them. My ten became my first tropical tank, I got a heater :)

In that tank over a few years I kept a variety of small tropical fish. Both my gold fish died later after about 4 years of me having them, and my red eared sliders became too large for there tanks. I couldn't find anyone to take the turtles, so i released them into a nice lake. I now had a 33g and a twenty gallon and I was around 10. Both tanks went tropical, the 33 gallon was my first and only cichlid tank. I was too young and inexperienced to really understand what ciclids require, and they died soon after. My 20 turned into an overstocked 20, so I thinned each tank out and added to them. Everything went well... and I drifted out of the hobby for about three years, maintaining those tanks, some of the fish died, but i did ok.

For christmas when I was 13, my mum got me a 55g, a heater, salt, a powerfilter, sand and a couple books. I had started into marine, as I had always dreamed of. I was pretty successful with my marine tank setup like that, and had it for over two years.

When I was 15 I got my first real job, at a pharmacy, and I was making about $75 a week, with no expenses. I took the 480 out of my basement and set it up. I wanted to do it marine, I wanted a nurse shark. I was told that to have a nurse shark, I would need a much, much bigger tank. And the marine equipment was still unaffordable to me. I set it up as a large fresh water catfish tank. I had two sailfin plecos, a royal pleco, three id sharks, a channel cat and two tiger shovelnose catfish. I did pretty well.

When I was 16 I started my first reef tank, only a 10g, but I set it up well, with a metal halide light and a protein skimmer. I also began taking used tank and equipment from people. I got upto 11 tanks.

When I turned 17, I got a better paying job with the government. I bought a 55 gallon and set it up in my room, it had clown loaches, a sailfin plec, a school of tiger barbs, two gouramies and a couple other fish.

For christmas last year I had saved up a lot of money and persued my fish dream on a smaller scale, I bought a 180 gallon, skimmer, sump, 90 lbs of live rock, early january I was excited, and they had what I wanted, so I bought it, a bamboo shark, and I put him into an uncycled tank. He did for awhile, he ate, and he swam, but I damaged him and his tank mate, a volitan lionfish, by not cycling. Both fish later died.

I thought I was doing so well, so when I deal came up at the local fish store, a 150g tall and a stand for under $600 with tax, I bought it. I also bought 115 lbs of cheap live rock, which turned out to be a mistake. I spent the rest of my saved money on equipment, and let the tank cycle. I went out and bought a regal angelfish, an emperor angelfish, and a mandarin dragonette. The mandarin wasn't doing well and died. The angelfish were incompatable and the emperor killed the regal. I sold the emperor back to the fish store.

During this time, I was already busy, with school and work, and I met the only girl I will ever love, the one who I will be with for the rest of my life. I didn't have much time for fish and maintenence, and i really had trouble affording them. I had already sold the contents of my 480, with the intention of making it a saltwater shark tank. The 180 died, I took it down. The 150 died, I took it down.

I got fed up with the hobby a little bit, I spent less time at this board, and I took down all my tanks except for a 55 freshwater and a 55 saltwater. I had also lost my job just after that, but I just got a working interview, a shot to show them I know my fish at my local fish store.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002

I love fish, I always have and I always will. I knew what I was doing, but I was too busy and I had more tanks than I could handle. I neglected some. Now that school is finished for the summer, and I have a job at the lfs, I intend to start some of my tanks back up. The 480 will remain in storage. I think I set the 150 as a freshwater or a reef, and the 180 as a saltwater fish only. I can't afford to set the 480 back up as a marine tank, even with my job at the lfs. I want to try the bamboo shark again, a pair or three, when I have a real career.

One day, I intend to have a 7000g tank, with a nurse shark and a couple active sharks. Kitten already said I could, and when were together, and we have the space and the money to spare, I think we will. I'd also love a couple indoor ponds, and whatever she wants. That is my fishkeeping history.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Good god Dylan! I don't think he asked for your life story ;D So that's where you've been. :( Why? How could you do this? ;D J/K

Here is my experience. When I was about 8 years old I got my first fish tank. It was a 2.5 gallon hex and I loved it. I kept neon tetras for a while and then some bettas, one at a time of course. Then When I turned ten I got a 10 gallon for my birthday. I kept the usual cheap, inexpensive, popular fish like I mentioned above. Then when I was 11 I got bored with it like kids do and sold all of my stuff to my cousin. Then about a year ago while at wal-mart I couldn't help but walk through the fish aisle and they had a 5 1/2 gallon on sale and I bought it and three little goldfish. I soon found out what cycling was. :'( They all died so I started reading all over the internet for info and then I found what had happened. Along the way I read just about everything you could about freshwater fish and diseases. Then for christmas my parents bought me a 29 gallon and I gave my 5 1/2 to my grandma. She enjoyed it. Then I got some cichlids for this tank. They did great and it was cycled of course and then I gave them away and got some real plants and new fish, which I am more interested in now anyways. Before this I purchased two ten gallons and now they are up and running and I'm thinking about doing some real plants. I have some tetras and barbs in those two.

Well that's about it. ;D