Discus Not Happy!!!!


Small Fish
Nov 21, 2006
I bought some discus about a month ago and they were fine so I decided to add some more then when they were happy I put a couple more in, but now the original ones I put in are not happy they have clamped fins and are a dark colour and do not swim about as much as the others.
All my waters pms are ok.
Can anyone help as I am worried about them.

Phil :confused:


Small Fish
Nov 21, 2006
I was told that it could be bacterial, I do my water changes on a regular basis and my tank is not overcrowded it is 350 litres and I run two filters which keep the water in pristine condition.
Has anyone experianced any probs like this before.
Thanks for your help


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
how many discus do you have now?
and it could just be that they were weakened and are needing time to adjust. you added new fish fast
how long has the tank been up and running?


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Sometimes it just takes time to for them to adjust. Discus have been known to even lay on their sides while acclimating to a new tank. Keep up with the WC's and keep a steady eye on your water params.

What are your temps?
Is it a planted tank?
Do you have enough cover for 8 Discus if needed?

A 90G should be plenty for 8 Discus, but it your leaving like a 10G gap.

Also almost doubling your bio-load could cause your fish to be stressed until your tank has time to catch up.

Are your old fish eating still?


Small Fish
Nov 21, 2006
One of the old fish is eating and one is not, there are plenty of plants which makes cover for them and the temp is 30c, I have been checking water pms daily and there is no change.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
They are probally tying to sort out their dominance.

Give it a couple more days, and maybe bump the temp a degree or two.

My discus have acted in all different ways even if the temp has changed a degree or two colder, or I didn't let the water sit over night before adding it (higher ph). Its a tricky fish to understand. My best advice to you is patience, you seem to be doing everything right so its up to the Discus to work it out.

For the second fish that isn't eating, try to sink some BH or something to the substrate for them to scavenge on. The dominant fish will eat from the top, but the runts will scavenge off the bottom.

And to help the tank acclimate a little bit better I would add a sponge filter to help with the bio's for now. I know they are an eye soar, but they work very well with discus.

You wouldn't happen to have a sump tank would you?


Small Fish
Nov 21, 2006
Thanks very much for your help.
The really poorly one just died, the others are looking a bit off I just don't know what to do with them.
I don't have a sump tank but I run a fluval 305 and a eheim wet/dry filter on my tank.
The discus are breathing quite fast and on some one gill is closed (due to stress I think).


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I'm no discus person...but when you add new fish to a tank, you really need to be doing more water changes for the first few weeks until the tank bio-load has time to catch up. I would start doing some regular water changes ASAP, that may help your fish perk up.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Having your tank up for 1 year, and having no problems like this. And then introducing new fish and having this happen, its gotta be something new introduced into the tank.

Maybe a new chemical (something with water conditioner?), something the new fish carried, maybe LFS water (did you dump any of their water in?). Its something new and if there is no white poo then its probably not internal parasites.

Has the pH been changed lately? pH shock could be a cause.
I assume you are using a Dechlor to treat the water after waterchanges?

I'm not an expert on diseases by any means, or an expert on sick fish. But if you see them rubbing against things it could mean gill parasites, maybe gill flukes.

**EDIT** Meaning some of their gills are clamped....you mean like 1 gill on each fish?

Jan 24, 2007
You say your water parameters are okay. What are your water parameters? Discus are hardy fish unlike what you hear if you pay attention to certain water parameters. What is your TDS before and after a water change? Are you using RO water? Tap water will sustain bacterial growth that will not survive in RO water. Clamped fins and breathing hard means the fish may have gill flukes or eroded gill plates from ammonia burn. One thing for certain breathing heavy means they are not getting enough oxygen. Take the fish that have clamped gills out and give them a salt bath immediately, if it continues medicate. You mention the tank is planted. Are you injecting CO2? If you are, I hope you have a ph controller or are aging your water. Fresh tap or RO water is super saturated with CO2, that is why folks mistakenly think their plants are pearling after a water change. If you are injecting CO2 and do a water change with super saturated water, you are drastically changing the ph and may have too much CO2 in the water, hence fish are breathing hard. No matter the cause, first thing to do is get more O2 in the water, place airstones in the tank immediately and then investigate the reason this happened. Do not raise the tank temperature, if anything lower it until the fish are breathing normally. Take the temp down to 78-80 to lower their metabolism and get more O2 in the water. The warmer the temp, the less O2 in the water; the bigger the fish, the more O2 it needs. Very dark discus most usually means sick fish. Good luck.....DC

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Small Fish
Nov 21, 2006
I am in the uk so our test kits are different to yours, all the colours in my water tests are the lowest they could be(Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate) I also use water buffer when doing water changes which lowers the ph of my tap water to the same as my tank water before I add it and yes I do use dechlor, I'm sorry but I do not know what you mean by TDS and yes again to one fin being clamped on most of the discus. I already have 3 airstones in the tank and I stopped using my Co2 unit when I bought my discus, so I have turned the temp down and turned the airstones up.
I will let you know if there is any change.
Thank you all so much for your help.