Did my Neon Tetra die from NTD/ich or natural causes?


New Fish
Aug 24, 2011
Hello all! New member here. Quick question to see what yall think.

I had four neon tetras as starter fish for my tank. They made it through the bio filter set up and lived for about 2.5 months. about one week ago I found one dead. At first I wasnt too conserned, but tonight, without showing any real signs of NTD or ich, he just started to swim funny and died a few minutes later (He was removed and put in a separate bowl as soon as I saw the strange activity). Could this be NTD even though there were few signs and a quick, sudden death? Or would the more likely scenario be natural causes? I hear they usually only live around 500 days. Just let me know what you guys think. Any info would be greatly appreciated.



Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I agree without the exact readings of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate its hard to figure out the possible cause of death.
How are your other neon tetras doing? What size tank are they living in and do you have any other fish in that tank?


New Fish
Aug 24, 2011
Okay, just got my new API test kit and...

Here are the results (Im no expert at reading these btw). Ammonia is between 0 and .25ppm, Nitrite is at 0ppm, and nitrate is around 40 to 80ppm. This had me a little concerned according to the booklet I got which said it Nitrate should be between 0 to 40ppm when I had previously heard anything below 100 down to 20ppm was okay but 0 was bad? Any ideas? Also the aquarium is 15 gallons with previously 4 neon's and a small guppy, I know the guppies are skool fish but my buddy was going to flush him ):, and one 2" clown loach. I have a 50 Gallon going through a fish less cycle right now which I plan on moving the Loach to since they are slow growing but get too be very large fish. So what do you all think?


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Some test kits can be pretty difficult to read. Is your test kit liquid or strip? That is good your upgrading to a 50 gallon your loach will be much happier!
I'm not sure what the cause of your neon tetra's death is (I'm not super knowledgeable about diseases). I would just keep up the water changes (you may need to increase them depending on your water change schedule) as that is always a good way to help sick fish. What is your water changing schedule like?


New Fish
Aug 24, 2011
Water change schedual

I usually do a 20% once every other week with a 50% mixed in from time to time. I also add some stuff that claims to reduce the needs of water changes, but keep up anyway (stuff came with tank). My water kit is a droplet style water test kit (API) Ive heard it was more accurate than my old strips. All of my other fish seem fine, just had one die randomly and another around a week later but this one I observed the death and it was swimming very slowly and upside down/on its side. I was just trying to make sure it wasnt NTD....


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
API Liquid test kits are very good kits. I use that product although like you said determining the readings can be a bit tricky. Also you said your nitrate is around 40 to 80 ppm....from what I understand they should ideally be under 40ppm. I would try testing your water for nitrate again because I have had improper readings with the API. You need to seriously shake the bottles and I mean really shake them before testing. I would also test your tap water for nitrates just out of curiosity.

I'm not sure if it was NTD and if it was from my understanding you can't really prevent or cure it. I would just keep up your water changes and monitor your fish.