damsel harrasing blood shrimp

Oct 22, 2002
Hi I'm new here and just got my first tank (25 g). It's been cycling for about 2 weeks now. I have 3 damsels and 1 blood shrimp. For the past few days the Domino damsel has been obsessivly approaching the blood shrimp for a cleaning. He will not leave the shrimp alone at all. Even follows it into its cave. Also the same damsel has not eaten in about 4 days now. I tried an apettitie stimulator and it still wont eat and just keeps bothering the shrimp. Any ideas or suggestions? Also will the blood shrimp survive the cycling period? I'm kind of worried that I put the shrimp in to early. I feed it tetra flakes and iodine. Thanks! ;)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well you have quite a dilemma on your hands.  For one thing, those domino damsels can be very nasty to the point that the blood shrimp will not survive.  It doesn't help the fact that invertebrates like shrimp do suffer more than you fish during the cycling period.
You can either remove the shrimp or the damsels because it appears that they are not compatible.  If you do remove the damsel, you might consider placing a cocktail shrimp for cycling instead.  However, I am not sure if the shrimp can stand the cycling.
Or you can get rid of the shrimp and have the damsel cycle now.  Or remove both and cycle with the cocktail shrimp.
It's your decision.
Don't worry about it not eating yet.  I introduced a damsel to my tank in my 110G and it didn't eat for a week.  It was just too shy and always wanted to hide.

Oct 22, 2002
Thanks for the quick response. The domino used to be the most agressive feeder in the tank. It just stopped eating abruptly after a few days. How about I get rid of the domino and leave the blood shrimp and the 2 damsels for cycling? The other 2 fish seem pretty happy and they leave the shrimp alone. I also forgot to mention that I have 2 pink anemone which looks like they are about to die. They have shriviled up considerably but are still moving. The salesman told me it would do fine during the cycling but after some further research I don't think that was a good idea. I wish I did more research first before I got started as I am very new to this hobby. Thanks again.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oh man.  Get don't listen to that salesman.  You shouldn't cycle any fish or shrimp in a new tank.  The best way to cycle is just use live rock and if you don't have live rock, just some cocktail shrimps.
Those anenomes will probably die during the cycle because anenomes are hard to keep.  You have to feed the anemome once/twice a day with like small pieces of krill/squid/fish.  You have to directly feed it.
Get rid of the domino damsel then and leave the rest alone.  I hope they make it through the cycle though.  I would guess that the damsels will make it but not so certain about your shrimp and anenome.

Oct 22, 2002
Thanks, I am going to return the domino today. Now if I can only catch the thing. Hopefully the shrimp will survive, if it doesn't oh well at least I learned something. take care.  *thumbsupsmiley*